Following The 3R Model , Can let Organizations Lower overhead cost ,Save Money which will Maximize The Profit , and Finally Save The Planet.
- The 3R rules (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) and CSR:
The 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, recycle – are the cornerstone of reducing the impact on the environment both at home and in business (Ioannidis et al.2021). They are an essential part of any corporate sustainability solution. But incorporating the 3 Rs into the corporate sustainability management system can save business time and money?Many companies have adopted corporate sustainability as an essential aspect of their business plans and even made it a core value (Ioannidis et al.2021)
Reducing business’ waste, commonly referred to as waste minimization, doesn’t just reduce the impact on the environment, but also makes business and manufacturing process more efficient. This often leads to huge savings. Moreover, by making manufacturing process more efficient and wasting less, it needs to stand to reduce operating costs and will often find ways to optimize product development further (Ioannidis et al.2021). Thus, reduce is reduce the number of resources we use through other habits and/or techniques; and generate less waste for example less packaging, not giving bags unless necessary, reducing paper consumption, etc. Moreover, Evaluate and improve ordering practices to eliminate non-recyclable or re-use products (Ioannidis et al.2021).
Reusing offers small and large businesses an effective method for coping with limited means and resources. Investing in reusable materials could allow your business to save money by replacing many single use products with a single reusable one. Overall, a single reusable product costs less than the total cost of all the single use ones you’d have to buy (Reinhardt,1998). Moreover, another common reuse strategy is to employ a “closed loop program” in which you use the same material (for example, reusable transport packaging) throughout the entire transport/manufacturing/shipping cycle. In addition, reusing the scrap metal from your manufacturing process or waste exchanges – using the waste from one process as raw material in another – saves you time, money, resources, and energy. Most of the materials we use every day can be reused in some way: printing paper on both sides, return gas cylinders to supplier for refill and equipment that can be reused, such as surgical equipment (surgical scissors after sterilization with special and appropriate devices). Taking into consideration the health and safety measures (Reinhardt,1998).
In the medical field, Recycling is an option must be the last option if the other two Rs did not work or, failing that, recycling is inevitable. Recycling is a way to take advantage of materials, however we must remember that recycling wastes energy and pollutes when reprocessing. One of the few items that can be recycled is paper and tissues (Wilson,2016). Moreover, recycling involves breaking down your used items into their base raw materials and creating new items from them. Recycling reduces consumption of fresh raw materials and energy usage. Most importantly, recycling reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, air pollutant emissions, and water pollution released by in business (Wilson,2016).
The concept of Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been the subject of several academic contributions, but in the health sector the development of an interest in this subject is very recent. Although many practices in healthcare are already socially responsible, progressing from a series of socially responsible behaviors to a socially responsible organization entails a more consolidated awareness of the health sector's mission and the needs of its participants.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): is a concept that has many different meanings and definitions. The way it is understood and implemented differs greatly for each company and for each country. CSR has been defined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2000) as: “The continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic Social development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as the local community and society at large” There are many reasons why it pays for companies, both big business and SMEs (small and medium enterprises) to be socially responsible and be conscious about the interest of the key stakeholders. (Rahman,2011). The healthcare industry has a variety of challenges that the average person may not fully understand. Issues such as stringent regulatory compliance, intense labor shortages in nursing, increased and costly technological advancements, implementation of international quality standards and substantial community dependence make this industry one of the most operationally difficult. Hospitals must work harder than other industries to win and retain that trust while coping with the operational challenges. A review of the Fortune top 1000 companies list reveals that among the 14 listed in the “Healthcare: Medical Facilities”, not one has issued any kind of non-financial reports (Rahman,2011).
In the medical field.
Recycling is an option must be the last option if the other two Rs did not work or, failing that, recycling is inevitable. Recycling is a way to take advantage of materials, however we must remember that recycling wastes energy and pollutes when reprocessing. One of the few items that can be recycled is paper and tissues (Wilson,2016). Moreover, recycling involves breaking down your used items into their base raw materials and creating new items from them. Recycling reduces consumption of fresh raw materials and energy usage. Most importantly, recycling reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, air pollutant emissions, and water pollution released by in business (Wilson,2016).
Recommendation for sustainability programs at your Clinic or Hospital
Using Emails for prescriptions Instead of papers.
Using Tablet (ERP System) Instead of Patients file, Flyers, Brochures
Reducing Energy Consumptions by making sure all windows and doors are closed that will Help AC’s to operate efficiently.
By Using concentrated cleaning solutions and to Use washable mop instead of disposable ones.
Bathrooms: by using air dryers instead of paper towels.
Patients to Use washable & Strelized items, such as linens, bed pads, gowns, Instead of disposable diapers, use cloth diapers.
Surgery: Evaluate the items in your surgical packs to determine if any item is not used enough to be used in every standard surgical pack.
Switch to reusable medical instruments instead of disposable.
Use washable surgical and nursing gowns and sterilization trays.
Cafeteria: Use washable plates, utensils, and cups. Compost kitchen and food waste.
Be sure to check with sanitary Regulations.
These are some items that can be recycled in Medical Field.
White office paper , Mixed paper , Newspapers , Aluminum cans , Glass bottles , Plastics...Etc
The 3R Model